Academy Conference

LatAm 2015


About Universidad Nacional de Colombia

The National University of Colombia was founded with the adoption of Law 66 by Congress of Colombia in 1867 as a fully autonomous state-owned, publicly-oriented university with independent administration under the auspices of the Ministry of National Education.

The National University of Colombia is at the forefront of higher education in Colombia. As such, applicants to any of the programs or services it offers may expect quality and targeted human capital, thanks to the institution’s extensive offerings.

As the university of the entire nation, it promotes equal access to the Colombian education system; it provides the largest offering of academic programs and trains competent and socially responsible professionals. It participates in the development and “re-signification” of the Nation project; it studies and enriches Colombia's cultural, natural, and environmental heritage. As such, it supports Colombia in scientific, technical, cultural, and artistic domains with autonomy in its academics and research.

The School of Mines of the National University of Colombia - Medellín is one of the most prestigious engineering schools in the country. Since its founding, it has played a major role in Colombia’s social, cultural, and economic activities, particularly in the field of engineering.

The School of Mines consists of 12 undergraduate and 31 graduate students across seven PhD programs, 15 master’s programs, and nine majors.

Recently, the School has undergone a major transformation in the wake of major scientific and technological advances, resulting in a research institution able to address and strengthen Colombia’s platforms for competitiveness. It currently boasts many highly-qualified research professors.

The Academia T&T is a part of the Grupo de Teleinformática y Teleautomática within the School of Mines of the National University of Colombia - Medellín. It began under the Cisco Networking Academy in 2001.

The T&T School runs one of the most widely-known e-learning programs, training students in technical Internet skills for a global economy. We are dedicated to the development of both our city and our country, and our School is at the head of education in information technology, turning out qualified networking engineers. As a support center for schools and a training center for instructors, we offer training to instructors, as well as support and ongoing monitoring in schools for the benefit of students and instructors.